Thursday, January 31, 2008

Thnking in Heaps : Algorithms

An interative version of max-Heap :

void iter_maxHeapify(int * a,int rootIndex,int heapLength){
int largest = rootIndex;
int leftIndex = left(rootIndex);
int rightIndex = left(rootIndex);

for(int largest = rootIndex;
(leftIndex < heapLength) || (rightIndex < heapLength);
leftIndex = left(rootIndex),rightIndex = right(rootIndex)){

if(leftIndex < heapLength && a[rootIndex] < a[leftIndex]){
largest = leftIndex;
if(rightIndex < heapLength && a[largest] < a[rightIndex]){
largest = rightIndex;
if(rootIndex != largest){
rootIndex = largest;


Building the Heap:

void buildMaxHeap(int * a,int heapLength){
for(int i = heapLength/2;i >=0;i--){

Sorting a heap:

void heapSort(int * a ,int heapLength){
for(int i = 0;i < heapLength;i++){

Tweaking JDT : eclipse

To create a new Java Class/Interface using JDT you can use the following code :

IJavaproject prj;
IPackage package;

prj.createType(package, "your class body");

To find subclasses of a given type using JDT use :

IType type = prj.findType("class name");
ITypeHierarchy typeHierarchy = type.newTypeHierarchy(prj,new NullProgressMonitor());
IType[] subclasses = typeHierarchy.getAllSubtypes(prj);

To check if the given class aka IType is part of this project

IType type;

IResource resource = type.getUnderlyingResource();

boolean isPartOfClass = resource.getProject().equals(project.getProject());

Marker Resolutions for markers : Eclipse

In Eclipse it is possible to associate marker resolutions with markers . This is more commonly known as Quick Fixes also evoked by using the key combination Ctrl + 1.

You need to implement the extension point with id :


for the markerType attribute under that extension point specify the marker id
you want to associate this resolution with .

Then in the "class" attribute specify the class that implements the MarkerResolutionGenerator

The world of wide characters aka Unicode

Wide characters aka unicode characters are characters that occupy 16 bits per character .
In C we have a header file specifically for that .

that contains special data type for that


wchar_t * text = L"Hello";

is used to tell the compiler that it should use 16 bit aka wide variants of characters.

strlen for wide characters becomes wcslen .

To take care of these problems windows provides TCHAR.H

it contains many functions starting with _t , like. ..


by defining _UNICODE


#define _UNICODE

its possible to use 16 bit / 8 bit versions of functions without much verbosity .

the same _t functions then correctly map on to their 8 bit and 16 bit counter parts.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Fnding markers in a workspace : eclipse

If you have a marker or you know a marker id :

let the id be :

then all markers of that type can be easily found . The way to found those markers is :

IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcePlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();

To create a marker :


generally since workspace changes are expensive , an IWorkspaceRunnable should be used
to batch many workspace operations together .

IWorkspaceRunnable runnable = new IWorkspaceRunnable(){
public void run(IProgressMonitor monitor) {
IMarker marker = resource.createMarker(markerId);



the setAttributes method sets the marker . This generally boild down to populating a hashtable
and setting it .

resource.getWorkspace().run(runnable , null);

An imageProvider can be specified in the marker definition to define an image for the marker .

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Overloading the && , || , " , " operators : C++

&& , || and comma operator in C++ are very useful . && and || are useful in short circuiting code .
Now when you overload these operator at the global level or at the member level . Then at that case

an expression like

(exp1 && exp2)

gets transformed into something like


that being the case , both the arguments exp1 and exp2 are evaluated . Hence since we are not
sure in which order the arguments are evaluated , short circuiting is thrown out of the window.

So commonsense says it makes sense not to overload the && , || and the comma operator .