Saturday, April 12, 2008

Refactoring : Self Encapsulate Field

Some times in a code base , especially inside a class , a field is referenced from many places.
Say you decide to move this field to another class .

A clean way of doing this is to first extract a getter method for that field within the same class .
Now with all occurances replaced by the getter method , move this getter method to the new class .
Similarly replace the code where the field is being set by the appropriate setter code and then move the setter code to another class .

Refactroing : Handling Duplicate Code

In legacy code bases we see lot of duplicate code . so how do we handle it ?

I am assuming you are using a tool that supports refactoring . In that case ,

Case 1:

If in a class you have lot of repeated code , use extract method refactoring to move the repeated code into a common method inside the class . Now replace if not automatically all occurance s of the repeated code with the call to the newly created method.

Case 2:

You have 2 sibling classes that have same piece of code .

Use extract method to create method with the same name in the 2 classes . Then use pull up refactoring to pull up the common method now in a super class . If the super class does not exist create it now .

Case 3:

You have 2 sibling classes that have almost the same piece of code , but some different bits here and there .

Use extract method to create method with the same signature in both the classes . Then identify the parts that are different , extract these different parts into methods of their own . Make sure that the names of these different parts is same in both sibling classes.

Now use template method design pattern , to create a common method in a super class of these 2 siblings . Using polymorph ism and inheritance to implement the different methods in the sibling classes.

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

C++: Object slicing and pass by value

In C++ , when a object is passed by value to a function that accepts a parameter then object slicing might happen. Consider the following class

class Base {
virtual const char * toString() throw();


class Derived : public Base {
virtual const char* toString() throw();

Derived derived;
Base base;

void doSomething(Base base){


now we have 2 classes Base and Derived with a common virtual function that have been overridden in the derived class . We create 2 objects "derived" and "base".

Both of them are passed to the function doSomething . What happens in this case .

In the first case , it works the way its supposed to . In the second case , object slicing takes place and the members that are just of derived class are chopped off and the virtual function of the base class is called.

Monday, April 07, 2008

C++ : pointer to member function

class Foo{
int iVal;
int Bar(int);

int Foo::* pm;

is a pointer to a member variable that is an integer.

pm = &Foo::iVal;

is used to initailize a pointer to a member variable

Foo foo;

int i = foo.*pm

is used to retrieve values of the pointer to member variable

int (Foo::*pmf) (int) = &Foo::Bar;

is a pointer to member function that is initialized by the address of member function Bar

C++ : Preventing implicit type conversion

class Foo{

Foo(int n ){


Foo foo(42);
Foo boo = 42;

In the above mentioned snippet , the first constructor is matched and called. In the second case , for the assignment operator since the right hand side is 42 and since we have a constructor that takes integer as an argument . The corresponding constructor is called . This is syntactic sugar that can lead to lots of problems . To prevent something like this .

the explicit keyword should be used in front of constructors .