Monday, October 08, 2007

Contributing to the Eclipse Cool Bar

To add stuff to the eclipse cool bar , u need to
1) implement the extension point org.eclipse.ui.editor .
2) Specify a contributorClass for the above mentioned extension point.

This contributor class will provide actions that would be contributed to the
Lets call this calls MyContributorClass.

3) Have this class extend BaseEditorContributor , It should override contributeToParentCoolbar .

4) In the given method create a ContributionItem that would be contributed to the coolbar.

Lets call this myContributionItem.

5) Use the parentCoolBarManager to add create a ToolBarManager.

IToolBarManager toolbar = new ToolBarManager(parentCoolBarManager.getStyle())

6) Add myContributionItem to toolbar.


7) Create a ToolBarContributionItem and add it to the parent cool bar.

ToolBarContributionItem toolBarItem = new ToolBarContributionItem(toolbar,myContributionItem.getId())


and finally


parentCoolBarManager and coolBarItem are protected members and are available from the base class .

1 comment:

axemclion said...

hey, parashuram here...could not find any other way to contact you....sure i like the idea of colloborative painting !!! [:)]