Saturday, June 02, 2007

How to override the equals method in Java

Well the other day i was reading about how to override the equals method in java . Here is brief summary of what i learnt .

Never Assume Anything:
First things first if you are writing a class whose equals method u have not overridden assumi ng that the equals method would never be called . never assume anything and atleast throw a UnsupportedOperationException to prevent others from doing a equality check on the instance of your class.

In terms of Code the equals method in your class should look like ,

public boolean equals(Object other){
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Contract of Equals Method:
The equals method must be
  • reflexive
  • transitive
  • symmetric
  • comapring with a null object should be false
So say if we want to compare two Point Objects

public class Point {
private Object x;

public Point( Object x ) {
this.x = x;

public boolean equals(Object point){
if(point == this)
return true;
if(!point instanceof Point)
return false;
Point other = (Point) point;
boolean result = true;
result = result && (x == other.x || (x != null && x.equals(other.x)));
return result;

Now ok i ve implemented a hypothetical Point class that has only 1 member entity called x . That entity is an Object rather than being a primitive type.

if(point == this)
return true;

In this line i check the references are equals , if they are then can we can skip other checking cause basically they are the same two references .

if(!point instanceof Point)
return false;

Second we make sure the object that we are comparing against is of the same type and is not null . The not null is implicit in the behaviour of instanceof operator . The instanceof operator makes sure that object on the left is not null othwerise it returns false.

Point other = (Point) point;

Next we perform the casting to the type of this object so that we can check each and every field .

boolean result = true;
result = result && (x != null && x.equals(other.x));

Next since x is the field being used here , we check if x is not null and if its not null we see if its equal to the x field in the other Object.

return result;

Finally we return the result

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